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Joshua Patterson | Charity Challenges, Motivation Speaker, Model, Runna co-owner


How to stay motivated & focused to achieve your goals

It doesn’t matter who you are, what your goals are and how many times you may or may not have done it before, being motivated is something that everyone struggles with at some point in their lives.
What at first can seem easy, may all of a sudden feel unimaginable. I think something I’ve definitely learnt since taking my running more seriously, is that no matter how vigilant you are, how hard you train, how strict you are with your nutrition or how organised you are with your lifestyle, things won’t always go to plan.
You will at some point be stopped in your tracks, like an unexpected injury or a family problem. It can completely throw you off guard and as time passes the idea of getting back to it can seem really difficult. It sounds obvious but try to remember why you set out this goal in the first place, it will help your clarity of mind and intentions each day, helping you stay on track.

My Why

A question I get asked time and time again, is where do these challenge ideas come from and how do I stay motivated.
There are over 7 billion people living on this planet. That’s 7 billion why’s. Every single person on this planet is different, what makes them tick? What motivates them? What obstacles do they have to overcome to achieve them? It’s not something any one person can manufacture or replicate, every person is after all one of a kind.
Adversity for me is my biggest motivator. It’s never something you wish to go through. Regardless of the situation, it will change you, alter your life, change your perspective of the world or even the people around you. It can also make you even more of a empathetic person. It is that empathy that is my superpower, my testament to every challenge, my one wish above all is to live a life where I can change someone’s for the better.

It’s Your Choice

It’s always your choice. My choice is to no longer harbour my negative feelings but instead recycle it into something positive. Life will test us all, my personal experience which I speak quite openly and proudly about is my mental health struggles and how I have chosen to channel those thoughts and memories into motivation, to keep going and keep pushing.
In my eyes we all deserve a medal because life can be impossible at times and you will feel like giving up. Remember each day you’re on this earth is a day you will get stronger, learn to be proud of those adversities and use them to help others.

Focus On Yourself

Yes it may sound self-centred considering I’m asking you to become motivated by others around you. Once you decide to focus on yourself, not only will you become a better friend, partner and family member, it will help you grow as a person. So I urge you to focus on not the things you don’t have, but the things you do, so that next time you find yourself struggling or unmotivated, you are able to dig deep into that locker and find that one thing you need to overcome it.
When you do I promise you, you will succeed with anything you put your mind to.

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